Institute for Advanced Biomechanics and Motion Studies
Beckerle, P., Willwacher, S., Liarokapis, M., Bowers, M. P., & Popovic, M. B. (2024). Prosthetic limbs. In Biomechatronics (pp. 276-316). Elsevier.
Korn, O., & Willwacher, S. (2022). Smart systems in rehabilitation and prevention. How artificial intelligence and gamification individualize exercise training. In Artificial intelligence in healthcare (pp. 867-879). Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Journal Artikel (peer reviewed)
Bill, K., Bartsch, J., Willwacher, S., Eriksrud, O., Mausehund, L., Kersting, U., ... & Mai, P. (2025). Same Same but Different: Why Both Sport-Specific Cutting Tasks and Generic Change-Of-Direction Tasks Might Need to Be Considered to Prevent ACL Injury. JOSPT Open, 3(2), 1-9.
Braun, L., Mai, P., Hipper, M., Denis, Y., Helwig, J., Anedda, B., ... & Willwacher, S. (2024). Managing lower extremity loading in distance running by altering sagittal plane trunk leaning. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 100985.
Rice, H., Mai, P., Sanno, M., & Willwacher, S. (2024). Tibial loading and damage accumulation in recreational and competitive male runners during a demanding 10 km run. European Journal of Sport Science, 24(1), 79-87.
Sumner, J., Wagner, K., Day, E. M., Thompson, J., Willwacher, S., & Trudeau, M. B. (2024). Advancing our ability to quantify an individual’s habitual motion path and deviation when running. Footwear Science, 16(2), 123-133.
Schwalm, L. C., Fohrmann, D., Schaffarczyk, M., Gronwald, T., Willwacher, S., & Hollander, K. (2024). Habituation does not change running economy in advanced footwear technology. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 19(11), 1285-1290.
Engel, F. A., Zehnter, F., Yona, T., Mai, P., Willwacher, S., Düking, P., & Sperlich, B. (2024). Acute physiological, biomechanical, and perceptual responses of runners wearing downward-curved carbon fiber insoles. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6, 1340154.
Bleuel, J., Komnik, I., Mittendorfer, I., Michel, B., & Willwacher, S. (2024). Abnormal gait pattern in downhill hiking is related to muscular deficits of the knee flexors and extensors in active patients with total knee arthroplasty. Clinical Biomechanics, 111, 106150.
Krombholz, D., Willwacher, S., Consmüller, T., Linden, A., Utku, B., & Zendler, J. (2024). Comparison of an adaptive ankle brace to conventional taping for rehabilitation of acute ankle injury in young subelite soccer players: a pilot study. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 1(aop), 1-8.
Utku, B., Bähr, G., Knoke, H., Mai, P., Paganini, F., Hipper, M., ... & Willwacher, S. (2024). The effect of fresh and used ankle taping on lower limb biomechanics in sports specific movements. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 27(11), 772-778.
Willwacher, S., Mai, P., Helwig, J., Hipper, M., Utku, B., & Robbin, J. (2024). Does advanced footwear technology improve track and road racing performance? an explorative analysis based on the 100 best yearly performances in the world between 2010 and 2022. Sports Medicine-Open, 10(1), 14.
Mai, P., Robertz, L., Robbin, J., Thelen, M., Kurz, M., Trudeau, M. B., ... & Willwacher, S. (2024). An analytical framework to understand individual running-related injury risk response patterns to footwear. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 238(3), 251-263.
Mai, C., Mai, P., Hinz, M., Saenger, R., Seil, R., Tischer, T., & Roessler, P. P. (2024). Females show worse functional outcome and quality of life compared to males 2 years after meniscus surgery: Data analysis from the German Arthroscopy Registry. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy.
Bill, K., Mai, P., Mausehund, L., Solbakken, S., Krosshaug, T., & Kersting, U. G. (2024). Individualized Technique Feedback for Instant Technique Improvements and Knee Abduction Moment Reductions–A New Approach for ‘Sidestepping’ACL Injuries?. International journal of sports physical therapy, 19(5), 535.
Bagehorn, T., Mai, P., Bill, K., Herbaut, A., de Zee, M., & Kersting, U. G. (2024). Effect of increased shoe longitudinal bending stiffness on ankle and foot biomechanics in jump-cut movements of low and high degrees. Footwear Science, 16(2), 135-146.
Schäfer, R., Trompeter, K., Fett, D., Heinrich, K., Funken, J., Willwacher, S., ... & Platen, P. (2023). The mechanical loading of the spine in physical activities. European Spine Journal, 1-11.
Rice, H., Kurz, M., Mai, P., Robertz, L., Bill, K., Derrick, T. R., & Willwacher, S. (2023). Speed and surface steepness affect internal tibial loading during running. Journal of sport and health science.
Rist, V., Block, J., Wolf, S. I., Alimusaj, M., Willwacher, S., & Heitzmann, D. (2023). Structured assessment of mobility and balance in people with a lower limb amputation utilising a combined protocol of functional tests. In Gait & Posture (Vol. 100, No. Supplement 1, pp. 107-108).
Willwacher, S., Bruder, A., Robbin, J., Kruppa, J., & Mai, P. (2023). A Multidimensional Assessment of a Novel Adaptive Versus Traditional Passive Ankle Sprain Protection Systems. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(3), 715-722.
Schmidt, M., Nolte, K., Terschluse, B., Willwacher, S., & Jaitner, T. (2023). Positive influence of neuromuscular training on knee injury risk factors during cutting and landing tasks in elite youth female handball players. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 53(1), 19-29.
Kolodziej, M., Groll, A., Nolte, K., Willwacher, S., Alt, T., Schmidt, M., & Jaitner, T. (2023). Predictive modeling of lower extremity injury risk in male elite youth soccer players using LASSO regression. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.
Helwig, J., Diels, J., Röll, M., Mahler, H., Gollhofer, A., Roecker, K., & Willwacher, S. (2023). Relationships between External, Wearable Sensor-Based, and Internal Parameters: A Systematic Review. Sensors, 23(2), 827.
Fohrmann, D., Hamacher, D., Sanchez-Alvarado, A., Potthast, W., Mai, P., Willwacher, S., & Hollander, K. (2023). Reliability of Running Stability during Treadmill and Overground Running. Sensors, 23(1), 347.
Willwacher, S., Robbin, J., Eßer, T., & Mai, P. (2023). Bewegungsanalysesysteme in der Forschung und für niedergelassene Orthopädinnen und Orthopäden. Die Orthopädie, 52(8), 610-617.
Willwacher, S., & Weir, G. (2023). The future of footwear biomechanics research. Footwear Science, 15(2), 145-154.
Hoenig, T., Rahlf, A. L., Wilke, J., Willwacher, S., Mai, P., Hollander, K., ... & Gronwald, T. (2023). Bewertung der methodischen Qualität wissenschaftlicher Studien in der Sporttraumatologie: Die QA-SIVAS Skala und ihre Reliabilität, Konstruktvalidität und Praktikabilität. In Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology (Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 190-191).
Wilke, J., Rahlf, A. L., Füzéki, E., Groneberg, D. A., Hespanhol, L., Mai, P., de Oliveira, G. M., Robbin, J., Tan, B., Willwacher, S., Hollander, K., & Pillay, J. D. (2022). Physical Activity During Lockdowns Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Multilevel Meta-analysis of 173 Studies with 320,636 Participants. Sports Medicine - Open, 8(1), 125.
Willwacher, S., Kurz, M., Robbin, J., Thelen, M., Hamill, J., Kelly, L., & Mai, P. (2022). Running-Related Biomechanical Risk Factors for Overuse Injuries in Distance Runners: A Systematic Review Considering Injury Specificity and the Potentials for Future Research. Sports Medicine, 1-15.
Bill, K., Mai, P., Willwacher, S., Krosshaug, T., & Kersting, U. G. (2022). Athletes with high knee abduction moments show increased vertical center of mass excursions and knee valgus angles across sport-specific fake-and-cut tasks of different complexities. Frontiers in sports and active living, 4, 1-13.
Willwacher, S., Fischer, K. M., Rohr, E., Trudeau, M. B., Hamill, J., & Brüggemann, G. P. (2022). Surface stiffness and footwear affect the loading stimulus for lower extremity muscles when running. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 36(1), 82-89.
Alt, T., Oeppert, T. J., Zedler, M., Goldmann, J. P., Braunstein, B., & Willwacher, S. (2022). A novel guideline for the analysis of linear acceleration mechanics-outlining a conceptual framework of 'shin roll'motion. Sports Biomechanics, 1-18.
Salzano, M.Q., Weir, G., Thompson, J., Trudeau, M.B., Ertel, C., Dear, K., Willwacher, S. and Hamill, J. (2022). Can footwear satisfaction be predicted from mechanical properties? Footwear Science, 1-11.
Kolodziej, M., Willwacher, S., Nolte, K., Schmidt, M., & Jaitner, T. (2022). Biomechanical Risk Factors of Injury-Related Single-Leg Movements in Male Elite Youth Soccer Players. Biomechanics, 2(2), 281-300.
Mai, P., Robertz, L., Robbin, J., Thelen, M., Kurz, M., Trudeau, M. B., ... & Willwacher, S. (2022). An analytical framework to understand individual running-related injury risk response patterns to footwear. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 17543371221100044.
Zaeske, C., Brueggemann, G. P., Willwacher, S., Maehlich, D., Maintz, D., & Bratke, G. (2022). The behavior of T2* and T2 relaxation time in extrinsic foot muscles under continuous exercise: A prospective analysis during extended running. Plos one, 17(2), e0264066.
Ruth, J., Willwacher, S., & Korn, O. (2022). Acceptance of Digital Sports: A Study Showing the Rising Acceptance of Digital Health Activities Due to the SARS-CoV-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 596.
Hahn, S., Kröger, I., Willwacher, S., & Augat, P. (2021). Reliability and validity varies among smartphone apps for range of motion measurements of the lower extremity: a systematic review. Biomedical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering.
Werkhausen, A., Willwacher, S., & Albracht, K. (2021). Medial gastrocnemius muscle fascicles shorten throughout stance during sprint acceleration. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 31(7), 1471-1480.
Mai, P., Robertz, L., Thelen, M., Weir, G., Trudeau, M. B., Hamill, J., & Willwacher, S. (2021). A method to quantify stiffness across the entire surface of a shoe's midsole. Footwear Science, 13(2), 105-116.
Bratke, G., Willwacher, S., Siedek, F., Maintz, D., Mählich, D., Weiss, K., ... & Brüggemann, G. P. (2021). Insights into extrinsic foot muscle activation during a 75 min run using T2 mapping. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10.
Wilke, J., Hollander, K., Mohr, L., Edouard, P., Fossati, C., González-Gross, M., ... & Tenforde, A. S. (2021). Drastic reductions in mental well-being observed globally during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the ASAP survey. Frontiers in medicine, 8, 578959.
Okudaira, M., Willwacher, S., Kuki, S., Yoshida, T., Maemura, H., & Tanigawa, S. (2021). Effect of incline on lower extremity muscle activity during sprinting. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 10(2), 67-74.
Mai, P., Robertz, L., Thelen, M., Weir, G., Trudeau, M. B., Hamill, J., & Willwacher, S. (2021). A method to quantify stiffness across the entire surface of a shoe's midsole. Footwear Science, 1-12.
Konferenzbeiträge (peer reviewed)
Schwalm, L. C., Fohrmann, D., Schaffarczyk, M., Gronwald, T., Willwacher, S., & Hollander, K. (2024). Auswirkungen der Habituation auf die Laufökonomie in Advanced Footwear Technology Schuhen.
Mai, P., Bill, K., Mausehund, L., Solbakken, S., Willwacher, S., Kersting, U., ... & Krosshaug, T. (2023, July). A nine-week ACL injury prevention program for female handball players: effect on knee joint loading, cutting technique and performance. In International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) (p. 735). International Society of Biomechanics.
Denis, Y., & Willwacher, S. (2024). Investigating the role of forefoot cushioning stiffness in sprinting spikes.
Utku, B., Baehr, G., Knoke, H., Mai, P., Paganini, F., Hipper, M., ... & Willwacher, S. (2024). The impact of fresh and used ankle taping on lower extremity biomechanics during sports specific movements. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 42(1), 938.
Braun, L., Mai, P., Hipper, M., Denis, Y., Anedda, B., Helwig, J., ... & Willwacher, S. (2024). The trade-off between cumulative joint loading and cost of transport when altering anterior trunk lean angle in running. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 42(1), 108.
Hipper, M., Braun, L., Denis, Y., Anedda, B., Helwig, J., & Willwacher, S. (2024). Runners sacrifice economy for stability and traumatic injury prevention when faced with sudden, slip-like perturbations. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 42(1), 386.
Denis, Y., Knoke, H., Kanjuh, M., Braun, L., Hipper, M., Anedda, B., ... & Willwacher, S. (2024). Impact of forefoot cushioning stiffness on block start performance in sprinting. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 42(1), 208.
Braun, L., Hipper, M., Denis, Y., Helwig, J., Anedda, B., & Willwacher, S. (2024). The trade-off between running economy and cumulative knee joint loading in running when systematically altering trunk lean angle. In 13. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik (DGfB): Abstracts (p. 114).
Hipper, M., Braun, L., Denis, Y., Anedda, B., Helwig, J., & Willwacher, S. (2024). Kinetic requirements of sudden slip-like anteroposterior perturbation recovery: a joint level perspective. In 13. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik (DGfB): Abstracts (p. 131).
Mai, P., Robertz, L., Robbin, J., Bill, K., Weir, G., Kurz, M., ... & Willwacher, S. (2023). Towards functionally individualised designed footwear recommendation for overuse injury prevention: a scoping review. BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation, 15(1), 152.
Oeppert, T., Zedler, M., Goldmann, J. P., Braunstein, B., Willwacher, S., & Alt, T. (2023, July). A novel framework for the analysis of linear acceleration mechanics focussing on'Shin Roll'. How to Rock N'Roll’?. In European College of Sport Science (p. 3083). European College of Sport Science.
Gießler, M., Breig, M., Wolf, V., Schnekenburger, F., Hochberg, U., & Willwacher, S. (2022). Gait Phase Detection on Level and Inclined Surfaces for Human Beings with an Orthosis and Humanoid Robots. In Robot World Cup (pp. 39-49). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Robbin, J., Mai, P., Helwig, J., & Willwacher, S. (2023). Does an analysis of the world top 100 track and road running performances provide an indication for the effects of super shoes and spikes?. Footwear Science, 15(sup1), S16-S17.
Robertz, L., Bill, K., Kersting, U. G., Kurz, M., Potthast, W., Mai, P., & Willwacher, S. (2023). Effect of running speed and inclination on biomechanical risk factors for medial tibial stress syndrome. In XXIX Congress of International/Japanese Society of Biomechanics: ISB/JSB2023: Program & Abstract Book (p. 450).
Rice, H., Mai, P., Sanno, M., & Willwacher, S. (2023). Reduced tibial loading during a 10km run in competitive and recreational runners. In XXIX Congress of International/Japanese Society of Biomechanics: ISB/JSB2023: Program & Abstract Book (p. 253).
Sumner, J., Day, E., Wagner, K., Thompson, J., Willwacher, S., & Trudeau, M. B. (2023). Run Signature 2.0: advancing our ability to quantify habitual motion path deviations. Footwear Science, 15(sup1), S161-S163.
Mai, P., Bill, K., Kurz, M., Mausehund, L., Willwacher, S., Krosshaug, T., & Kersting, U. G. (2023). Fast Feedback on Joint Biomechanics for Team Sport Athletes: A Feasibility Study with Implications for Injury Risk Screening.
Klein, J., Oeppert, T., Schepp, M., Lange, K., Schmalz, T., & Willwacher, S. (2023). The effects of advanced spike technology on maximal sprinting speed (YIA). In Optimizing Training in Sports, Exercise and Health.: Jahrestagung dvs-Sektion Trainingswissenschaft. Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (dvs).
Mai, P., Bill, K., Robertz, L., Glöckler, K., Claramunt-Molet, M., Bartsch, J., ... & Krosshaug, T. (2022). CAN A SIMPLIFIED KNEE ABDUCTION MOMENT ESTIMATION BE USED FOR ATHLETE SCREENING? IMPLICATIONS FOR ACL INJURY PREVENTION. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 40(1), 395.
Willwacher, S., Bill, K., Robertz, L., Kurz, M., Kommik, I., Potthast, W., & Mai, P. (2022). SPEED AND SLOPE EFFECTS ON METATARSOPHALANGEAL JOINT KINEMATICS IN RUNNING. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 40(1), 771.
Bill, K., Mai, P., Robertz, L., Glöckler, K., Claramunt-Molet, M., Bartsch, J., ... & Kersting, U. (2022). KNEE KINEMATICS AND KINETICS OF SPORT-SPECIFIC FAKE-AND-CUT MANEUVERS OF VARYING COMPLEXITY IN FEMALE HANDBALL PLAYERS. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 40(1), 82.
Robertz, L., Bill, K., Kersting, U., Kommik, I., Kurz, M., Mai, P., ... & Willwacher, S. (2022). EFFECT OF DOWNHILL RUNNING ON BIOMECHANICAL RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH ILIOTIBIAL BAND SYNDROME. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 40(1), 595.
Willwacher, S., Korn, O. (2021). Gamification of Movement Exercises in Rehabilitation and Prevention: A Framework for Smart Training in AI-based Exergames. Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics - Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics, July 25-29, 2021, New York, USA.
Mai, P., Robertz, L., Robbin, J., Thelen, M., Kurz, M., Trudeau, M. B., ... & Willwacher, S. (2021). Individual response to multi-density midsoles to minimize biomechanical injury risk factors of Achilles tendinopathy in distance running. Footwear Science, 13(sup1), S49-S51.
Kersting, U., Robertz, L., Thelen, M., Mai, P., & Willwacher, S. (2021). Effects of localized bending stiffness reinforcement on level and inclined walking. Footwear Science, 13(sup1), S26-S28.
Willwacher, S., Lichtwark, G., Cresswell, A. G., & Kelly, L. A. (2021). Effects of midsole bending stiffness and shape on lower extremity joint work per distance in level, incline and decline running. Footwear Science, 13(sup1), S41-S42.
Salzano, M., Weir, G.J., Kuzmeski, J., Thompson, J., Trudeau, M.B., Ertel, C., Dear, K., Willwacher, S. and Hamill, J. (2021). Can We predict cushioning perception from the mechanical properties of shoes? Footwear Science, 13(sup1), S22-S24.